A “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes has been discovered in the recount results for Trump-Endorsed Abe Hamadeh’s statewide Attorney General’s race.
Hamadeh was only down by 511 votes against Mayes out of more than 2.5 million ballots cast in the Attorney General race.
The Gateway Pundit reported that on Election Day in Maricopa County, over 50% of tabulators and printers failed the moment that polls opened, causing voters to be turned away from the polls and creating long wait times of four hours or more. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Hamadeh contested the results in a lawsuit filed in the Mohave County Superior Court against Kris Mayes, Katie Hobbs, and all Arizona County election officials.
Read Abe Hamadeh’s filing here.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee F. Jantzen tossed out Abe Hamadeh’s election challenge in the Arizona Attorney General race against Democrat Kris Mayes.
The judge denied the challenge based on testimony from Hamadeh’s lawyer, Tim LaSota, acknowledging that based on the ballot inspection (a small sample of ballots), his client would not be able to get over 511 votes needed to overcome Mayes.
However, Charlie Kirk tweeted earlier that hundreds of new votes were discovered for Abe, and corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is attempting to hide this discrepancy from the public.
Kirk: BREAKING: An internal source has shared that a rural AZ county has found a significant miscount netting @AbrahamHamadeh with hundreds of new votes. Sources suspect @katiehobbs is not quickly releasing this revelation to provide as little time as possible for public reaction.
This could overturn the election that was decided by 511 votes. At the very least, it could help Abe’s case move forward.
Hamadeh tweeted before this new revelation came out that he will assess his legal options when the recount results are released tomorrow.