As the seeming disasters for the Biden Cabal continue to unfold, revealing new security breaches and flagrant mishandling of classified documents that exceed any standard of actionable misconduct, two things become clear to Americans who know enough to reject the Fake News narrative. First, Ol’ Joe is clueless as to what the ruckus is all about and has been in that state of mental numbness for his entire stint in the White House. Secondly, and most importantly, absolutely none of this situation has anything to do with a genuine interest in National security among the leftist political establishment.
Despite the grandstanding and melodrama, the sudden claims of grave concern over our Nation’s vulnerability are totally debunked by the manner in which these same Deep State players have consistently decimated every aspect of our Nation’s standing and its defenses against foreign hostility. Had they any real interest in the integrity of our National government, they would have been turning each other over to authorities months and even years ago. The entire spectacle is a total fraud.
Since the systematic corrupting and re-invention of every high-level federal office by Barack Obama, we’ve witnessed the subsequent total weaponization of once revered institutions such as the DOJ and FBI, neither of which is any longer about the venerated “rule of law.” Nor do they have any interest in their perfunctory oaths to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Throughout the Trump Presidency, Americans watched in abject horror as every major department sought to directly undermine the Chief Executive, even on such fundamental issues as border security and electoral integrity. Thus they defied and rebuffed the expressed will of the American people who duly elected Donald Trump to lead the Nation.
With the onset of the “pandemic” scam of 2020, every possible effort was made by those with any claim to power to stoke fears and trample basic rights. And though their malignant intent was, in fact, evident from the start, it has since become inescapably clear that the entire disaster was a premeditated power grab for the purpose of securing unquestioned fealty to the system by a frightened and helpless populace.
One lie after another was proclaimed in a thoroughly scripted and coordinated manner, with every leftist Fake New outlet dutifully echoing the architects of fear and dystopia. Actual effective treatments for the disease were roundly and universally condemned and even outlawed, though they posed no danger to the people, other than that they would summarily shut down the “pandemic,” thus ending the real agenda behind it. Instead, the people were pounded with demands of submitting to a “vaccine” with, at best, very limited effectiveness and dubious side effects.
Of course, this all culminated in November of 2020 when the Presidential Election degenerated into a circus of third-world chicanery during the wee hours of the morning after, with the predictable result being the unelectable “candidate” completely turning the tables and securing a razor thing “victory” under cover of darkness. Or so we were told. Since that time, it has almost become a felony to suggest otherwise. Again, this is totally reflective of third-world tinhorns and their acolytes, of which Barack Obama, during his formative years, was among the most dutiful.
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