Leak: FBI Searched Biden’s Office at Penn Biden Center in November; Another White House-DOJ Cover-Up Exposed

Joe Biden and his team simply will not come clean with the American people about the numerous stolen classified documents found in his possession. Biden, his personal and White House lawyers, in cahoots with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have kept secret the details the searches at his private Penn Biden Center office and Delaware homes. It was two months after the first search was done that Biden owned up to it but only after the news was leaked to CBS News. Biden’s White House and private lawyers have since issued incomplete statements and timelines that have failed to disclose the full nature of the searches.

Read more here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/leak-fbi-searched-bidens-office-penn-biden-center-november-another-white-house-doj-cover-exposed/