Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.
With a stronghold on the majority in the House of Representatives, the Democrats were able to pass The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act without any Republican support in March of 2021.
The Democrats deemed the passage of ARP necessary to reopen schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fox News Digital observed shortly after it was passed that the “law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement ‘implicit bias’ and ‘anti-racism’ training, among other programs.”
Now that the Republicans have the majority, House GOP Congress members are investigating the misuse of those taxpayer dollars in schools.
The House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, House Education and the Workforce Committee Chair Virginia Foxx, and House COVID Committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup sent a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona this week.
“It is important for the American people and their elected lawmakers to understand how the Department administers funds intended to assist students during the pandemic and the extent to which any funds may have been misused by State Educational Agencies or Local Educational Agencies for unrelated purposes,” the three of them agreed.
The lawmakers alerted Cardona to the committee’s investigation into the “misuse of COVID-19 relief funds intended to help schools safely reopen, mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and address catastrophic learning loss.”
Comer and Foxx learned that some states, like California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York, used the funds to provide professional development resources for school staff, and some of the funds were allegedly used for “implicit bias training” and “LGBTQ+ cultural competency.”
“This is not what federal COVID aid was intended for, but according to information obtained by Committee Republicans, taxpayer dollars paid for this session,” the letter stated. “Moreover, under no circumstances should the American people fund the ‘coaching’ of educators to use racial slurs for any purpose and/or at any time. This is both a waste and a misuse of taxpayer dollars.”
ESSER funds were intended to be awarded to states to provide local educational agencies “with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the Nation.”
“Rather than use ESSER funds to help students recover from learning losses, some states and school districts that kept schools closed appear to have spent ESSER funds to push favored social agendas,” they wrote.
“These activities appear to have nothing to do with COVID-19 mitigation or learning loss and are a waste and misuse of taxpayer-funded COVID-19 relief programs,” the letter continued.
The GOP finally woke up to what’s been going on in our schools for far too long. The decades of indoctrination got us where we are today.
Schools no longer focus on core subjects like reading, math, science, and history and competency tests are evidence of that.
Math scores dropped across the country with the greatest decreases ever recorded.
Reading scores are at the lowest level in three decades. Almost 40% of all eighth graders failed “to grasp basic math concepts.”
Not one state in the U.S. showed a notable improvement in average test scores, and the left is pushing social agendas.
We’re in big trouble as a nation!
Original Article: https://theragingpatriot.org/house-republicans-allege-that-covid-education-funds-were-utilized-to-promote-left-wing-radical-agendas-in-schools/