Poll: Almost Two Thirds Of Americans View Media As “Truly the Enemy of the People”

A new Rasmussen poll has found that almost two thirds of Americans believe the media is “truly the enemy of the people”.

The survey found that a total of 59 percent of likely voters either strongly or somewhat agree with the statement.

Among Republicans, the belief is even more prevalent at 77 percent. Only a slim majority of Democrats disagree.

The poll also noted that among Democrats there has been an 11 point drop in trust in the media.

Overall, a majority of 52 percent of Americans say they do not trust the political news they are getting from the establishment media.

The survey also found that 52 percent believe the media is bias towards Democrats.

This is yet another example of how Americans hold almost wholly opposite opinions to liberal corporate media narratives.

A new Harris-Harvard poll released earlier this week also demonstrated how despised the leftist media has become.

Original Article: https://summit.news/2023/05/25/poll-almost-two-thirds-of-americans-view-media-as-truly-the-enemy-of-the-people/